Comprehensive Guide to Blast Protection Systems: Prioritizing Saftey and Security

The Importance of Ballistic Fiberglass Panels

Bullet-resistant windows and doors are essential for protecting people and property in buildings most frequently targeted by criminals. However, it’s important to note that windows and doors are only one element of a property. Focusing only on protective ballistic glazing means there may still be some significant weak spots in sensitive areas. This is where the installation of bullet-resistant fiberglass panels inside walls becomes extremely important. U.S. Bullet Proofing provides a wide range of ballistic panels designed to offer added protection where it is needed the most.

Although ballistic windows and glass doors provide critical protection for entry points in banks, embassies, courthouses, schools and other high-risk properties, there still may be areas where protection is less than optimal. Most common building materials offer very little in the way of protection, meaning a stray bullet or explosion will meet practically no ballistic resistance.

Made from multi-ply laminated ballistic fiberglass materials, our wall panels can be added inside and behind walls to stop bullets and other threats before they can harm those inside the building. When combined with bullet-resistant windows and doors, they offer a comprehensive security solution.

Applications of Ballistic Fiberglass Panels

The primary use of these fiberglass composite panels is to create armored “safe spaces” within properties to offer added security in the event of an attack. Some examples of how these can be deployed include:

  • Teller Stations: Those working behind a counter at a bank can be protected on all sides with these wall panels. They can be used to secure the space under the counter as well as the partitions between teller stations if they exist. Combined with ballistic glass transaction windows and partitions, these help create comprehensive protection for bank workers.
  • Safe Rooms: When an armed intruder enters a building, it’s critical for the occupants to have a secure location to retreat to until the danger has passed. These bullet-resistant panels can be used to fortify an employee break room, meeting space or other interior room to create an extra-security safe room where people can gather and be protected from gunfire and other threats as they wait for law enforcement personnel to arrive and neutralize the intruder.
  • Judge’s Chambers: Using ballistic-resistant fiberglass panels to secure judge’s chambers ensures peace of mind. Security is critical for these spaces because of the wide range of threats judges can face from criminals and people who are angry about the results of their court cases.
  • Police Stations: The installation of ballistic wall panels in police stations serves an important purpose in keeping law enforcement professionals and the general public safe. These can be used to secure lobbies and holding areas as well as indoor gun ranges.

Security Vestibules in Schools: School entrances increasingly feature security vestibules, which often incorporate ballistic-rated windows, doors, and reception windows. The surrounding walls in the vestibule can incorporate ballistic wall panels in the surrounding walls of the vestibule to protect those on the secure side of the facility.

Why Choose U.S. Bullet Proofing?

Compared to other solutions such as Kevlar and steel plates, our fiberglass wall panels are engineered to be lightweight and easily installed. They also won’t spall upon impact from a projectile and won’t cause ricochets that can cause greater risks. Built to conform to UL 752 and NIJ standards, these panels offer the highest possible protection against a wide range of threats.

We leverage a wealth of in-house expertise to deliver ballistic protection that meets the most stringent standards. Since 1991, U.S. Bullet Proofing has been committed to manufacturing the most reliable and dependable products on the market. If you would like to learn more about everything we have to offer when it comes to protecting your properties, reach out and speak with a member of our staff today.